It's a hate love relationship with me and the R5 and the 5Ds R for that matter.

I agree with what Kayaker has said about the R5, but I have been spoiled with 1-seires AF and it's really hard to use them now. The R5 hit rate is definitely better than the 5Ds R that I'm using, but it's still very much a 5-series. I do love the IQ for sure, it is excellent and better high ISO performance in the real world. I love having high resolution, I can do heavy crops and still get 8mp and 10mp images and as long as the ISO is low still usable images. Very handy.

But I have used it quite a bit, and thin DOF portraits kill it. For a lot of people focusing on the eye lash is acceptable. It is not for me, and while a bit better using manual focus points it's a long ways away from being useful to me. It's actually exceedingly frustrating.

It's why I still use my 1D III sometimes over the 5Ds R in birding or my 1Ds III for portraits. Because I get frustrated with the low hit rate in certain situations. As Bryan has said many times before, "All the IQ in the world is useless if the image is OOF."