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Thread: 2022 - Image of the Week #24

  1. #1
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    New Hampshire, USA

    2022 - Image of the Week #24

    Welcome to TDP forum's "Image of the Week" competition. Each week photographers may submit their images for the title of "Image of the Week." Weekly winners will then compete on a monthly, quarterly, and in our annual poll for the title of "TDP Forum Image of the Year."

    • Week 24 entry period will be from Monday, June 6th through/including Sunday June 12th.
    • Please provide a title for your image.
    • This is an open competition for landscape, portrait, architectural, macro, or any other appropriate photographic style.
    • Images should have been either recently taken or processed.
    • Enter as many times as you would like.

    This week will be judged by Sean Setters.
    Last edited by Kayaker72; 06-07-2022 at 10:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2021

    Baby Killdeer

  3. #3
    Senior Member Jonathan Huyer's Avatar
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    Canmore, Alberta
    The original tree hugger

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    New Hampshire, USA
    "Sweet Sounds"

    Small-4681 by kayaker72, on Flickr

  5. #5
    Senior Member Jonathan Huyer's Avatar
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    Canmore, Alberta
    "Wow -- nice lens!"

  6. #6
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    This was a tough one this week. Jonathan, I always love your bear pictures, but the the DOF on these two make the subjects stand out less prominently than in others you've posted.

    JWEade, a great image as usual. In this case, I wonder if the extremely shallow DOF worked as well for this particular image. It has a soft, almost-watercolor look to it. It's an interesting effect, but I'd really like to know what the image would have looked like with a 1/3 or 1/2-stop narrower aperture. Also, something's throwing me off about the aspect ratio. I've gotten very used to seeing 2x3 or 4x5 images and this one looks at bit off to me. Is it in between those ratios?

    Kayaker, you had the top image this week. Your documentary-style image worked for me. The human subjects and the background (Notre-Dame) are both very strong elements in the photo, making the huge DOF work well for the image. I love the lack of keystoning. Plus, the essence of the image -- entertainers in front of a landmark -- flips my expectations of re-visiting Notre-Dame on its head (I was there about 25 years ago and there were no entertainers in front of the landmark). For all these reasons, Kayaker's image gets the trophy this week.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Jonathan Huyer's Avatar
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    Good call on the winner and thanks very much for the feedback! I love great street photography and Brant's shot definitely nails the moment.

    Both my shots were taken with the RF 100-500 lens, which sacrifices DOF for portability. I agree a shallower DOF would certainly help, especially when the backgrounds are uninteresting or cluttered. And for my 'tree hugger' shot, the f/7.1 lens meant that I had to shoot at ISO 10,000 (!). However it's quite amazing how much detail can still be obtained at that level.

    Thanks for judging and congrats to Brant!

  8. #8
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    New Hampshire, USA
    Thanks Sean and Jonathan!

    Great images JW and Jonathan. Really liked them all.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Jonathan Huyer's Avatar
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    Canmore, Alberta
    Just thought I'd add this as a postscript. Same grizzly, but with the 500 f/4. There's no substitute for big glass

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Congrats Brant! I really enjoy that shot, Well deserved!

    Thanks for the feedback Sean. I shot that image with a 500 mm canon and a 2x teleconverter iso 800 f/8 1/1250. My goal was to get the dandelion in focus as well to scale how small the bird actually was but I was a little slow getting down on the ground and it had already moved past the flower. I usually just random crop my images to what looks good for me and haven't really paid attention to the ratios, which maybe I should! Thanks again

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