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Thread: Canon R1 has been announced

  1. #41
    Senior Member
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    little update:
    discovered that my 14T HDD is not bit locked - so whew!. Now it is really just getting stuff moved (outlook the largest data file) to the online platform and the task of getting transferred is pretty well under control.

    Getting the apps etc reset within the Mac environment will be a structure as you go.

    As to long term large storage - I am thinking of investing in an SSD type array. I will what and see before I go too hog wild.
    If you see me with a wrench, call 911

  2. #42
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Busted Knuckles View Post
    As to long term large storage - I am thinking of investing in an SSD type array. I will what and see before I go too hog wild.
    I suppose it depends on your access needs. For archiving, I don’t see much point in using SDDs, there’s a reason archival storage used to be (probably still is in places) done with tape. In my case, since file transfers and backups to my local NAS are via WiFi, HDDs are plenty fast. I did switch from HDDs to SSDs for the backups I transport offsite, that’s been nice since I need to connect the drive to 5 Macs for the weekly backups, and what took 20-30 min with an HDD takes <5 with an SSD.

    I’ve used both QNAP and Synology 2-bay NASs at home. The QNAP was a PITA – it worked great except that firmware updates would occasionally brick it; QNAP replaced it once, the second time I tossed it and got the Synology and that has been great. Easy to set up for Time Machine backups, one volume for the RAID1 array with separate folders for each of the TM backups (with a quota appropriate for each Mac’s internal storage) and a general folder (each ‘folder’ on the volume is seen as a distinct mountable drive).

    I highly recommend setting up a TM backup – with SSDs, when you delete a file and empty the trash, the data are just gone (unlike an HDD where deleted files could often be recovered). A TM backup runs hourly in the background and protects you not only from a drive or Mac failure, but also from your own mistakes.

  3. #43
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    B&H charged my card for the R1 early this morning, so I expect I will have it tomorrow or Friday.

    Next decision is whether to keep or sell the R3.

  4. #44
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    I am seeing shipped in my account as well. The main issue is I am traveling right now so no one is home to receive it!

    I’ll be back Friday night.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #45
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    You probably know this, Brant, but if you have a FedEx account you might be able to request a hold before they attempt delivery. B&H may have prevented the option, though. It will require a signature, but I find that depends on the driver. I occasionally have Macs shipped to my house that I order for new employees, they use UPS and some drivers will ring the bell and wait for a signature, others just leave it (benefits of a safe neighborhood, though really that's a bit dubious anywhere).

    Our usual FedEx driver is even more lax, he usually even leaves our wine club shipment by our garage door and that violates both FedEx policy and MA state law (which is printed right on the box)...but it's a lot more convenient for us. I suspect the same will happen with the R1, but fortunately today was my one in-office day for the week, so I'll be home tomorrow just in case.

    Safe travels and enjoy the R1 when you get it in your hands!

  6. #46
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Thanks. I am trying my luck to see if the driver will leave it. Otherwise, hopefully they deliver tomorrow.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #47
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    My R1 successfully arrived on Friday. I was on a plane back from Europe. My wife was at work. We had numerous notes on our front door, even inside the window to the side of the front door so they could tell it was us leaving the notes.

    In the end, the box with the R1 was left by our garage. Entirely possible FedEx never saw the notes as they would have had to walk around the corner. IDK. But, it is funny to me.

    But, initial impressions are very positive, very fast, AF very confident, etc. My first "1" series camera. I had borrowed the 1Dx and 1Dx III before. But this is the first I have owned. I'll be running some tests/playing with it soon. I am mostly curious about resolution, AF speed/hit rate, and a few new features like pre-capture. What I can say is that it is by far the most programable camera I have seen. As a quick example, but in changing hte "*" button to be a second backfocus button, that was easy, move it over to "Metering and AF Start". But then hit the info button and you can customize 11 features, turning them on/off with a check mark, but then you a press on each of those features to customize them. Yeah...3 layers of customization. It's like I'll have to know what I am doing to use this camera. Busy day yesterday, but I still managed a few shots around the house.

    Name:  TDP-0015.jpg
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Views: 34
Size:  162.2 KB

    I will say, I have noticed a slight greenish cast. But that could be the camera or how LR wants to deal with the R1 files this early on. I have adjusted the calibration of these a bit to compensate.

  8. #48
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    DxO says support in December, so I’ll shoot RAW+JPG until then.

  9. #49
    Senior Member Jonathan Huyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayaker72 View Post
    My R1 successfully arrived on Friday.
    Congrats and thanks for sharing your initial impressions -- I'm super interested in everything you have to report on. I've been a 1DX user through all the models, but I haven't made the jump yet to the R1. I'm sure it's only a matter of time now!

  10. #50
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan Huyer View Post
    Congrats and thanks for sharing your initial impressions -- I'm super interested in everything you have to report on. I've been a 1DX user through all the models, but I haven't made the jump yet to the R1. I'm sure it's only a matter of time now!

    I know you have been concerned about buffering. This has been tested by a forum member on CR. Essentially found they hit the buffer after ~10 seconds at 40 fps, ~13 seconds at 30 fps, and they stopped the test at >900 frames/45 seconds at 20 fps.

    Currently I configured my R1 to 20 fps, 10 fps, and 5 fps. I might modify that, but I typically shoot my R5 at 8-9 fps or lower.

    I was looking into the resolving power Sunday night and photographed Saturn with the R1 and R5 and the RF 200-800. Both taken off a tripod, 1/200, f/10, and ISO 6400. I can improve this, but I found the results interesting, exported at 300%:
    Name:  Combined images 300%.jpg
Views: 25
Size:  22.2 KB

    I prefer the R1 image. I suspect the R5 would have provided more detail, except for the noise at ISO 6400. I am waiting for more controlled studies, but I am hearing others make reference to this, the R1 has very low noise at higher ISOs. We'll see. I'll play with this more myself later.

    For reference, here is the uncropped frame from the R1 image, and yes, Saturn is the white dot just below and right of center:
    Name:  R1 FF-0202.jpg
Views: 25
Size:  102.7 KB
    Last edited by Kayaker72; 11-19-2024 at 06:36 PM.

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