View Full Version : Workflow: image import

03-17-2009, 06:42 PM
I'm looking for ideas and insight into managing the import of image files from memory card to computer. I currently stick the card in the reader, let Windows recognize the card, make a new folder on an external HD to store the images, and do a Windows copy to bring the files into that folder.

I'm looking for something better. As my activities grow, I find myself managing files from multiple cameras more often, and it's starting to get out of hand. I'm looking for a tool that would help with the file copy process, with features like batch rename, time adjustment (so I can fix up for an errant clock on one camera). I'm getting better at switching memory cards between different shoots, but sometimes I forget and sometimes it's an all-day gig but there are obvious breaks in the action. I experimented briefly with Downloader Pro and ImageIngester Pro, but probably didn't know them well enough to really take advantage of their features and see why I might want one of them.

Comments from the crowd?

03-21-2009, 07:16 AM
Try evaluation version of Adobe Lightroom 2 and check out if it could optimize your workflow.

From my experience I do not switch memorycards between camerabodies, period. When I've been shooting as 2nd hand, we have always sync the time on ower camerabodies to have a reasonable image-view in postprocessing.

03-29-2009, 01:10 AM
I did the trial with Adobe Lightroom 2.2 and went back to Digital Photo Professional and then on the CS4.

I'm pretty sure I have the worst workflow in theprofessional world, but I'm really comfortable with the look of the final product using the tools I know. I shoot RAW, import to DPP and fix any white balance and exposure issues and thengo on to CS4 for cropping andspecial touches.

Matthew Gilley
03-29-2009, 10:03 PM
The Zoombrower EX Memory Card Utility works great for me. My XTi CDs didn't have it, but a refurbished 40d I just purchased had it on the included discs.

Bryan references a Java utility in his digital workflow guide. As hard as I tried I could not get it to work on Vista 64.

Good Luck!