I never get tired of mallards, especially when you shoot them.
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Young Wood Duck Hen
500mm f/4L
Another nice shot Joel, But I have a question about this one and your previous duck shot. In these shots, the water and reflection around the bird look about as sharp as the bird. I know from your "lessons" that you like to seperate your subject from the back ground with a little gaussian blur. Do you also do this with the ducks in the water shots? if so, how do you keep the waves and reflection sharp?
Very busy....I helped them shoot for about 6 hours on Tuesday. It's a 5 day camp with about 400 kids. They try to get action shots of all the kids the first 3 days then primarily sell photos on the last 2 days. He has 3 dye sublimation printers to make prints on site(4X6, 5X7 and 8X10) They are very fast and high quality. I talked to him on Thursday night and they sold almost $6000 up to that point. The camp runs for the next 2 weeks as well with a different group of kids each week. I might go back one more day if I can work it out.
Here are some of mine. All shot with my 5DII 70-200 f/2.8L. Let me know what you think good or bad. Also which is your favorite out of the group?
The fourth shot is by far my favorite. The fifth is a nice composition. All of these shots seem to be in challenging light conditions, and the kingfisher?? isn't sharp. But in that fourth shot, you've captured some intense direct light right on the bird's face, and it is striking. Nice job! Contrast that one to the black bird with the bright background, where the bird has little detail.
A better Beamer flash accessory can help eliminate harsh shadows in some challenging light situations.
Did you have to crop in much?
I don't post here very often and when I do, it is often a lorikeet, nothing has changed.
Well except for the Noisy Miner, which is a very territorial bird and a bit of a pest.
Attachment 1204Attachment 1205
There's my lorikeet.
Thanks for viewing.
Thanks for the feedback. I had to crop 3 of them pretty significantly. The black bird against the bright background and the last pic with the nice composition were not cropped very much. The others had to be because I was pretty far away and it was the closest I could get with my 200mm focal length. Sharpness was affected on these heavier crops. I have heard some good things about the better Beamer. I found some knock offs on eBay and wondered if they would do the same job. Here's a link.
Size and functionality look to be comparable. Have you heard or read any feedback on sticking with the brand name vs going generic?
I don't have any experience with better beamer knock offs. Sorry. But its concept is pretty simple, and I imagine that it's not too hard to replicate the flash amplification of the gadget.
@ Steve - Those shots are super sharp (especially the first one) and if I had backyard birds that were as beautiful as your Lorikeets, I would definitely be doing alot more shooting and posting! I could never grow tired from looking at them!!
White Ibis portrait (Ft. DeSoto Florida)
Hand held
ISO 400
Attachment 1209
Steve, Where do you live in the Galapagos Islands? Very Nice shots! :)
Joel, I love the exposure and composition of the Ibis. The red beak, white feathers, and blue eye, are very appropriate for the 4th of July!
That's not a better beamer knock-off above. That's a reflector, or bendable bounce card for the flash. All that does is redirect the flash, by bouncing it off of the card and then sends the flash output in a different direction.
The Better Beamer is a flash extender, which is similar to a fresnel lens (in a Lighthouse) which magnifies and projects light farther distances. It focuses and concentrates the output of the flash into a narrow beam via the fresnel panel that is positioned in front of the flash.
I hope that helps,
As already mentioned the Better Beamer is a fresnel lens (not a reflector) attached to a bracket that places it about 6 inches in front of your flash.
It is one of the most functional, inexpensive accessories you could own if you need to or like to use flash for wildlife photography.
It costs so little compared to most photography gadgets I can't really understand shopping for a "knock off" :confused:
Is that one considered as a bird :rolleyes:
After all, it flights, doesn't it?
7D, 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II @ 200mm, 1/500, f/4, ISO 100. Barely cropped to get rid of a high-voltage cable in the bottom left corner. Taken at the Geneva airport.
From Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, VA. The story is they took him in 6 weeks ago. A hunter in South Carolina was bragging that he'd shot it -- took most of his right wing. He was arrested and they found the bird, 5 years for shooting it (10 years had he killed it). The irony being, if the hunter hadn't bragged, the eagle would died and the hunter would never had been caught.
Beautiful bird, sad story, what an idiot for doing such a thing to begin with let alone telling on himself. He deserves what he got and more, hopefully he will also be banned from hunting for life. It's fools like this that can give all ethical hunters a bad rep.
Sounds like the words that came out of this idiot's mouth is probably the smartest words he ever said! So glad he was caught!!
I haven't posted in here in quite awhile since it's just been way to hot to enjoy the outdoors!! Expecting temps of 113 degrees tomorrow!
Female House Finch by Denise Trocio (, on Flickr
Female House Finch by Denise Trocio (, on Flickr
A shot during my visit to a local park, saw this Great Blue Heron from afar, then rushed to the shorelines and waited for about half an hour for its flight-
Here it is,
Great heron in flight pic Franco! Denise the 2nd house finch picture must have been windy, her feathers are being blown around.
Nice shot Franco ... great pose and good angle on the flight path, so often these guys will angle away from you. The image may need to be a tad brighter.
This is one from several weeks ago before the heat wave/drought.
A young Tufted Titmouse in my backyard.
Brown Pelican silhouette at sunset, Ft. DeSoto Fla. about 1 month ago, 1D MKIV + 500mm f/4L
In post processing I increased the color temp and saturation to enhance the sunset colors
Haven't been out shooting a lot lately. Had to use higher isos than I would have liked, but here is what I shot today. By the way, I love the pelican Joel.
Great shots and good exposure Dustin.
Very arty, nice one Joel, I can see that one on a corpaorate wall.
Went bushwalking yesterday, managed to grab a pic of this Eastern Yellow Robin.
Eastern Yellow Robbin by Steve's Life, on Flickr[/img]
Thanks for viewing.
Another one taken with a lens not typically used for birding, the EF-S 15-85
101 _MG_1168 - Version 2 by ahab1372, on Flickr
only bad thing about this lens is that it makes me want to upgrade my telezoom to something better ;-)
I hope these are ok to post here!
How will I know if he really loves me... by Denise Trocio (, on Flickr
It's in his kiss by Denise Trocio (, on Flickr