Ok I going to vent a little here so please understand my problem.

Bought my new 5DMark11 last December 08 had it for a while then problems started it wouldn't turn on! Had to remove the battery and re-install and turn it on and it would stay on from a few minutes to an hour, then the same thing again, wouldn't turn on. Do you realize how many shots I missed?

Ok so returned to the store where I bought it from, they sent it back to Canon Canada in Toronto. It took three weeks before I got it back. Well you know what it started acting up again a few weeks later, same problem! Sent it back again June 28 09 and on my repair ticket the store stated "2nd repair same problem please Rush". So nearly a month later still no Camera, called the store no idea when it will be repaired or ?

Now I called the Toronto repair they will look into it and call me back tomorrow. Am I wrong to get upset with Canon? Their service is like a black hole, once in who knows what's happening!

I sent it in early so I can have it for vacation I figured a month before vacation should be enough time.

Anyway I hope they'll call me back tomorrow and let me now what's going on with the repairs. If not I'm asking them to sent it back repaired or not as I need it by next friday, July 31. I already lost a week vacation without my camera.

And on top of that Canon warranty is 12 months so 2 months of that is spent at Canon, GREAT warranty that is, 10 of 12!

Thanks for lending me a shoulder to cry on.

A disappointed Canon user.