Yesterday while browsing photography magazines I ended up looking in interior magazines, you know, those with furniture tips and houses of famous people. But what really interested me was, of course, the photography. And then I realized that I really had no clue about any technical aspects of interior photography.

Now I did some research about it, read some articles and seeing it all boil down to some points.
  • Long exposures (1-10 sec) to capture as much detail as possible.
  • Small aperture, for as sharp as possible photos.
  • Pay a lot of attention to the lightning.
  • A wide angle is preferable.

So tell me, is this it? or am I missing something importaint. I didn't see any thread about interior photography here yet so I thought it would be a nice idea to share some knowledge about it with eachother.

Is someone doing this for a living? Because I love interior design and I imagen making photos of wonderful looking interior's would be a great thing to do.