I tried an experiment using the HFD. Please give me some additional advice, because I'm not sure I'm doing this correctly.
The camera and lens: 5D Mk 2 and 24-105 L. IS was off. Camera was tripod mounted.
I disengaged the shutter button, using #3 in CFn IV. I used a remote cord to release the shutter.
Lens was at f/4, 24 mm, on aperture priority.
With the Mk 2, the Circle of confusion is 0.030 mm, so for f/4 at 24 mm, it's supposed to be 16 ft for the hyperfocal distance.
With a tape measure, I set the camera back 16 feet from a flat surface and that it was approx. 16 feet to the plane of the sensor. I then used the AF-ON button to focus.
I swung the camera around, then fired the shot with the remote switch. There was no wind (sorry about the exposure)
I don't see the distance in sharp focus at all (at least, not on my monitor).
It's approximately 200 feet to that chain link fence, behind that second tree.
The second picture is 100%, cropped.
I must be doing something wrong, since "infinity" is not sharp.
Your advice is appreciated. Thanks.