Quote Originally Posted by just learning

I am newto the shooting world and bought a Canon XS. My daughter is getting married and I've been asked to use what little expertise I have to shoot the wedding. If I was to buy 1 lens to get this done, which lens do you suggest and why?

Welcome to the TDP.com Forum.

You will want this: Canon EF 28-135 f3.5-5.6 IS USMwhich you can purchase here:

You will want a protective UV filter which can also be added from here:

Because it's outside, you will wantsunglasses for your lens from here:(you will then want to read this Camera Lens FiltersIt will help you to understand how to use a circular polarizer. It will turn you HI wedding photos from OK to WOW)

And get a lens hood here:This not only blocks side light that causes flaring but also protects the lens if you drop the camera.

I believe with shipping, that comes to a little under your budget price of 600 USD. Don't forget to pick up a couple of extra memory cards, lens clothes, and a nice bag to carry your camera in. We (my wife and I) like the Lowepro Slingshot bags from here:

My wife uses this lens on her 40D with great results. It is a great value. I've shot insidea museum with it mounted to my 5D and was able to get tack sharp hand held photos down to 1/8sec. shutter speed.Except for a little sloer zoom in the IQ is very comparable too the much heralded 24-105 f4L IS USM professional level lens.

Finally, once purchased, practice. It's a digital camera. Take a ton of practice photos before you go to the wedding. Try all sorts of scenarios. Try using flash for outside shadow fill. (There're a lot of good tutorials on that subject available) Please, whatever you do, don't show up at your daughters wedding thinking the camera is going to figure everything out. If you are going to do this for her, take it seriously and prepare properly. You will be at ease which will allow you to have a lot more fun at your daughters wedding. That's why, I'll hire someone when my son gets married. I'm too over the top about it!! []