Hey all,

I've been working on my lighting over the past few nights (2:00AM photo shoots anyone!?). Unfortunately, I can only do headshots of myself seeing as I currently lack a model and the area for a full sized background. So I've been trying to get creative with my lights and modifiers.

I'd love to hear your honest feedback. What do you like? What can I do better (besides getting a better looking model!! =P ) And even if you're not a "strobist", What do you like about the light? What don't you like lighting wise?

Thanks so much.

All strobes triggered via CyberSyncs (Love Em!)

These first two are inspired by a shot from Cole Barash. Inspiration here.

Canon 20D w/Tamron 17-50 f/2.8 @ f/8

Strobist Info: 1 Canon 430EXII on axis with Orbis ring flash, ETTL. 1 Vivitar 285HV @ 1/16 with Lumiquest SBIII high and above, camera right. (Tried to use as a hair light, but I don't have a boom stand.)

These two are the same image black and white and then color. For these, I fashioned Lumiquest light stand boxes into strip lights by cutting one long face of the box off. I then lined the inside of the box with white duct tape, and wrapped the whole enchilada in a piece of white bed sheet. Set up shot below where you can get a better look.

Strobist Info:
- 1 Canon 430EXII camera left through homemade strip light @ 1/4 - 1 Vivitar 285HV camera right through homemade strip light @ 1/16