Hi all,

I've learned everything I know about digital SLR photography (which ain't a lot, but I'm okay with being slow) from you and from the Rebel XSi I purchased with last year's tax return. I absolutely love this camera. I've never used another one, so as the saying goes, ignorance is happiness--or something like that. But I do miss the view from my film SLR camera, so my heart has long been set on the 5DII so that I can really take advantage of my wide angle lenses. This year's tax return will probably allow me to buy the 5DII, at last, and I'm very excited. There isn't a camera shop nearby that has one in stock, so I've never held the camera, never tested it, but it's the only full-frame option available for my budget, and from all accounts it's a great option.

So here's my question: in your experience, how does the autofocus of the 5DII compare to the Rebel series? Or even to the 40D? Everywhere you look, the reviews are knocking the autofocus capacities of the 5DII, but all of those comparisons are made to the 7D or to the 1D series cameras.

Please know that I'm not worried about whether the 5DII is "fast enough" or "accurate enough" for me. I know, right now, if my Rebel misses the mark, it's not the camera's fault--I'm often enough (yes, it's true!) just trying to hit the broad side of a barn. I'm asking because I want to be able to put all those reviews of the 5DII's autofocus abilities into perspective for myself and for a friend of mine who shoots weddings with a 40D and who is also looking at the 5DII.

I shoot mostly still subjects, but some events for a local monastery too, if that helps. My gear is listed on my profile if you want to know which lenses I'm using.

Any takers?

Thank you!
