Quote Originally Posted by JJphoto

I guess you are not talking about shooting birds right?

Well, that depends. If you accept a lower keeper rate, you can get some at 1/250. I've gotten a few at 1/60.

Quote Originally Posted by JJphoto
I live in southern California, the weather here is just very nice, so maybe it's a big deal in Canada?

Last time I was in SoCal, there was a little rain and it almost caused a state of emergency. Panic-stricken news anchors on the verge of tears, widespread floods and panic, car wrecks everywhere caused by people who had never seen water fall from the sky.[] It rains like that all the time up here in the Pacific Northwest and beautiful British Columbia. You get beautiful photos just after a rainshower.

One time, a Californian moved up here and saw nothing but constant rain for two weeks straight. Finally she asked a little boy if it *ever* stopped raining. He said "how should I know? I'm only six."

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