Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist

The setup is a bit bulky and unwieldy, but I guess I'd describe the MT-24EX like that, too. The other advantage to an MT-24EX (or MR-14EX) is that they can be wireless masters, so you can trigger an off-camera strobe to light the background if you want. For me, using the MT-24EX with the 100 L macro was a 'nice to have' but with the MP-E 65mm, extra light is pretty much a requirement, even for static subjects.

I am hoping the MT-24EX will not be to bulky. My set up nowis the 180mm F/3.5L mounted on a Gitzo 2541EX tripod and 2750QR head. I have the 100mm F/2.8L Marcro IS and use it hand held. At times speed of set up counts. For instance this weekend there was a paticular butterfly, bright yellowish orange in color that I pursued for almost 30 minutes in a field of winter peas. When you could get in close enough, you had seconds to set up and compose.

So Portability, Speed and Producing a Natural Light apperance to the picture are what I am shooting for.Since most of the reviews and comments I have seenseem to be centered around the MP-E 65MM,it makes me wonder ifon the 180mm itwill performdiffrently (especialy since the closest focusing distance is 2x as far on the 180mm). I think what I am going to do is get the 24EX and the Sto-Fen's and see how they do first. Then if I need to modify further I will. The MP-E 65MM is on my list to buy so I probably will have to modify it some day, but I need to play with my other toys for a while longer before I get another toy.

I had not seriously considered the 14EX since the 24EX was the top of the line canon. But I wonder if the 14EX might serve the purpose as a macro flash as well, or possibly better than the 24EX in some respects.