Zeiss once again said they will make another lens for Canon users. Here is the link in case you haven't heard of this:


As far as I concern, the first two lenses that Zeiss has made for Canon, the Planar 50/1.4 and 85/1.4 respectively, have turned out to be not that great - they're all lenses withNEITHER superb optical qualityNOR practicality but at quite a price. Autofocus is missing too. I can hardly imagine the upcoming Zeiss 18/3.5 to have afairlylargemarket as people who care ONLY about the so-called Zeiss pedigree and will pay regardless how expensive are few.

If I'mreally the person who wants to play around with old classic manual machines at a fair cost, I will go Nikon and use their optics as well as all kinds of old stuff that can be adapted to the F mount. Possibly I'll have some Zeiss ZF lenses too.

All considered, I easily take my Canon 16-35/2.8L II over the Zeiss ZE 18/3.5for almost the same price. It's faster, it's versatile, it's not necessarily worse IQ wise and it can autofocus. Would you?
