Thank you Steve & Bob! Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

Quote Originally Posted by bob williams View Post
By the way, That is a beautiful shot. Very nice work---Literally, PICTURE PERFECT--Frame it and hang it. and don't forget to share your set-up

Thanks, actually I almost trashed this one along with many others I took after I saw that my Auto ISO shot to 3200! But I thought I would work on it alittle and see if I could save it and a couple others.

My set-up: 7d, Sigma 70mm macro, 1/80, f/7.1, ISO Auto (3200). Window light camera left (cloudy day) & I had one flash camera right with a Lumiquest Pocket Bouncer w/ gold inset attached. For the reflection, I took a square glass inset off another table and set it on my kitchen table. I put a gold poster paper underneath the glass. The gold poster paper (and a silver one) were picked up at the hobby store for super cheap and serve as a reflector when I need one also. Nik Color Efex Pro was used to add softness, contrast, vignetting and frame.