Quote Originally Posted by Busted Knuckles View Post
From my walk through the samples - Sample 1 is substantially better lens. Sample 2 needs to go back - check out the sample 2 at 35mm compared to the version 1 24-70 - certainly would inspire my dropping the extra dough.
At shorter focal lenghts, copy 1 does a little better, longer focal lengths copy 2 is much better (copy 1 at 70 is almost bad in IMO). I would be tempted to send 1 back. But comparing to the Version 1 of the lens, you are right, at 35 mm V1 is much better than V2. The fact that this is counter to Rogers tests (granted, he looked at 24/70 mm) and the few photo comparisons I've seen, it makes me concerned that Bryan received two bad copies and about quality control at this point.