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Thread: 6D Announced (sort of)

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  1. #25
    Senior Member FastGass's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    Beautiful Ferndale Washington.
    Quote Originally Posted by trav.cunningham View Post
    Here are my thoughts:
    1. Neither the 6D nor the D600 is impressive enough to make someone switch camps IMHO.
    2. I think the the 7D mII will be focused on speed like the current model is. I'm guessing dual Digic 5+, better AF with more cross type points, and 10 FPS. Also, Better high speed video. I would be suprised if they increase video FPS honestly, but it would be nice. I also think it could be more expensive than the 6D. I would be seriously suprised if it did, the reason FF costs so much more is because the sensor costs a lot more to produce. The 7D II will almost cerntainly cost less than the 6D. I think the 7D and the 6D are going after different photographers.
    3. I also think we could see the end of the xxD series and have a high level rebel take it's place and the EOS-M take the place of the low level rebels, but we will see. The Rebel type line won't be discontinued because they need a cheap lineup for people who don't want or need anything better (right now that is ). The EOS-M is not a replacement for the Rebel line but a new niche for Canon, people who want something more like a PS but with great IQ.

    Lastly, I think that the photographer is evolving. Cameras in phones are killing point-n-shoots, mirrorless will be purchased instead of entry level DSLRs, and that leaves only the series photographers to by the "expensive" cameras. There will be room left for a fully spec'ed rebel (like the T4i), an entry level FF (like the 6D), and entry level speed demon (like the 7D), a full featured FF (like the 5D mIII), and the ultimate Pro focused on speed (like the IDX). There is a niche for everything and right now they are filling in segments for photographers and not shifting up or down segments.

    I may be totally off, but there are my predictions. Don't flame me too bad OK, I will just broil you....
    Last edited by FastGass; 09-20-2012 at 05:40 AM.
    Amateurs worry about gear, pros about the pay, masters about the light, and I just take pictures!

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