I'm going to give you an atypical suggestion:

Get a really, really nice prime. And nothing else.

I started on a 20d with the 35 1.4L. I worked exclusively with that for nearly two years. Being forced to work with one framing really let me focus on composition as an artistic and not a technical pursuit. I found ways of shooting and seeing the world that were unusual to compensate for the very standard framing. My shots started to have a distinctive feel, no longer looking like 'the obvious choice' of how or what to shoot. In short, working this way really let me find my voice. I have a full kit now, but if I had the choice I would not give that kit to sophomore-in-college me.

As to which prime, I can directly attest my experience with the 35L. It winds up being nearly 50mm on your body (almost what your eye sees); so while it is perhaps the most generally usable prime, it is arguably a timid choice. You could also look at the 85 f/1.2L (amazing lens, probably my most used these days, perhaps a bit too tight on your body), the 24 f/1.4L (rented it and fell in love), or if you're feeling especially daring and experimental, the 14 f/2.8L. If I were to do it again I'd go with the 35 or the 24. But maybe going more extreme would have a more extreme effect.

So that's my advice. Or my story. I'm sure somebody will want to rebut me. Let me just say: I'm not saying any other choice is wrong. I'm just sharing what really, really helped me.