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Thread: which camera

  1. #11
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: which camera

    Thanks for your input! I ended up getting the 1ds m2 and so far it

  2. #12

    Re: which camera

    Quote Originally Posted by henytran

    Thanks for your input! I ended up getting the 1ds m2 and so far it's been a blast. I'm still learning how to use it since I've been using my 20d for the past 5 years but I'm confident that once I figure things out I'll be even happier. I noticed that the AF is kind of slow on the camera so I don't know if the settings are off. I guess I should set it back to the factory default and go from there.

    The camera is quite massive so now I'm thinking about tripods/monopods. I saw the reviews for the gitzos and I was hoping to spend about 300 (less preferably!) I borrowed a tripod when I was in yosemite and loved the results so it's probably about time to buy one. I figure if I continue to dive into landscape/travel photography I won't regret the purchase. Any recommendations are welcome!


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    Quote Originally Posted by henytran

    Thanks for your input! I ended up getting the 1ds m2 and so far it's been a blast. I'm still learning how to use it since I've been using my 20d for the past 5 years but I'm confident that once I figure things out I'll be even happier. I noticed that the AF is kind of slow on the camera so I don't know if the settings are off. I guess I should set it back to the factory default and go from there.

    The camera is quite massive so now I'm thinking about tripods/monopods. I saw the reviews for the gitzos and I was hoping to spend about 300 (less preferably!) I borrowed a tripod when I was in yosemite and loved the results so it's probably about time to buy one. I figure if I continue to dive into landscape/travel photography I won't regret the purchase. Any recommendations are welcome!


    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    Ditto with mr. Tran, I am also in need of a tripod that is very budget, yet user friendly! Im glad you are enoying your new 1dsmk2 and i can't wait to see some photos! It is a huge step up from the 20d in terms of size and obviously offerings! Good luck with you venture!

  3. #13

    Re: which camera

    Hey Henry, congrats on getting your new weight set.

    Quote Originally Posted by henytran
    I noticed that the AF is kind of slow on the camera so I don't know if the settings are off. I guess I should set it back to the factory default and go from there.

    I wholeheartedly recommend re-setting everything to default. There's a lot to customise on a 1-series and you don't know how it was configured.

    For your AF speed - do you find it slow to pick a point from the 45 or slow to acquire focus through the selected point(s)? To check its potential set it to just the centre AF sensor and try focusing with that. Anything else will be a little slower (e.g. non cross-type points) down to slowest being when it's auto-selecting from all of its 45 points where it takes a bit to select which point or points to use. Still I don't find mine "slow", not even slower than other cameras I've tried, just some options are slower than others.

    Bet by now you like how fast it actually takes a photo (short shutter lag and viewfinder blackout).

    On the weight issue, I knew it would be heavy to start but I don't find it so now and I'm of the puny build. I got a Canon E1 handstrap and that makes it feel quite secureas I don't like using the neckstrap while taking photos.I do find it makes turning the main dial a pain but I have short fingers. I saw somewhere a comparison that had a Nikon handstrap fitted to a Canon and the reviewer found that preferable to the Canon E1.

    I have an old Manfrotto aluminium 055 tripod and a 3-way and a ball head. I think I prefer the ball head. Manfrotto seems a very good brand at substantially less $$$ than Gitzo. I like mine and it's strong and secure but other than that I can't comment.


  4. #14
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: which camera

    Hey Paul,

    Thanks for the reply. I don

  5. #15
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Kenosha, WI

    Re: which camera

    Congrats on your new camera! I'm looking forward to seeing some photos taken with it!

    Quote Originally Posted by henytran
    I think the low light and the black on my puppy made it hard for the camera to focus.

    Tht will do it! There have been many times that my 7D has a tough time focusing in on my black dog in low light!


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