If you don't have particular expertise, I don't see the point of you doing it. I mean, really, some other guest could use your camera, and then you could be in the wedding, and your daughter would probably like to have evidence that you were part of it, no?

I mean, aside from other photographers, who really cares about how great the photographer was. They care about the pictures, but they're not paying attention to how good the pictures are (albeit the quality of the pictures will shape what they see and how they remember it), they're paying attention to those involved and what happened.

If it's a matter of saving money, ask that everybody who takes pictures (and lots of people will) provide the pictures to you, leave a few disposable cameras at every table with explicit notes that they are to be returned to you at the end of the wedding, not taken as souvenirs. A whole lot of amateur photographers will likely do better than a single photographer who's distracted with being part of the wedding. Plus, then you can be in the wedding, soaking in the day, etc., because it's going to be a blur in your head as it is, and no matter how good you are, looking at a picture is nothing like experiencing it.

Do what you think is right, but in my opinion, if you opt to be the photographer, it takes away from being the father, and you're cheating yourself out of one the most significant experiences in your life. Doesn't mean you can't take pictures, just don't be THE guy who has to do it.

Good luck either way.