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Thread: Dont buy new stuff?

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  1. #1
    Senior Member FastGass's Avatar
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    At Mick,

    Food for thought, everything in the resolution crops are in a A3 print but are much smaller in size. Now it's just a matter of how close you like to view your print and what is good enough for you. It is there it just might insignificant to you. For others it might matter. Or you might have less than average vision and can't tell at all.

    Amateurs worry about gear, pros about the pay, masters about the light, and I just take pictures!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Terra Firma
    Quote Originally Posted by HDNitehawk View Post
    Shoot me an email. I will let you know where to send the money.
    That has me LOL, too!

  3. #3
    Can i ask, why are you comparing the new lens to the old with a x2 converter? Are you trying to say that the new one is better because its sharper when using a x2 converter and thats noticable at A3 and above?

    Well, why do people buy a $5000 lens? Because they want ultimate image quality and a fast lens. Why on earth would i or a pro spend that much money then spoil it buy putting a two times converter on therefore ruining the exact reason you bought it in the first place, image quality. Next, using a x2 converter looses two stops of light. The second reason you buy a fast lens is because....its a fast lens. Why would i put a two times converter on a 300, loose two stops of light and background bokeh? I wouldnt. Id use the appropriate lens/camera combination to get the required focal length for ultimate image quality. I dont know any pros who use converters for that exact reason, loss of speed and image quality. My friend who does English Premier League soccer/football pointed this loss of light and image quality when i showed him this post.Yes you could negate this a little with increased ISO but again this damages image quality.

    So again, i stick with my original post. If you print at A3 with the old and new lens you wont notice any differance. If you shoot at 600mm using extenders then yes you will get an unsharp noisy picture whilst i would just pop the 300/400 or 500 on my 7D/1DMK4/IDS3 and get the focal length i require. Just like the pros.

    Do you want my e-mail so you can send me the money now or later?

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