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Thread: Accent on quality in PHOTOS instead of quality of EQUIPMENT?

  1. #41
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008
    Kenosha, WI

    Re: Accent on quality in PHOTOS instead of quality of EQUIPMENT?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lars
    (In fact, I am not allowed by my girlfriend, she thinks we should rather spend the money on food, diapers and other "necessities" [img]/emoticons/emotion-6.gif[/img]).

    Count your blessings for her and that she has her head on straight and be grateful for what you have! [Y]

    When my kids were in diapers, I was lucky I could afford a point & shoot to take pictures of them and then I had to figure out how I was going to afford to get the photos developed! Twenty some years later, after two of them moved out and havebabies of there own, I have finally decided that now is my time to enjoy a hobby that I could only dream about before! Hmmm...maybe when the last one ever leaves the nest, I'll be able to get a FF or 600mm lens! [] No wait, she can't leave, she's my IT goto person when I have computer issues!!


  2. #42
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Accent on quality in PHOTOS instead of quality of EQUIPMENT?

    Before we kill this thread I would like to add one more little suggestion.

    This has to do with something I am also guilty of, but will try harder to correct that in the future.

    It has to do with posting pictures in the "Show and Tell" Forum, whether you want C&C or not, the title of that forum is Show and Tell, right?

    I don't know about you, but I would like to see more Tell with the Show. I haven't so much here, but I usually do try to post the image information along with at least where I was when I shot the picture. What the conditions were like etc.
    Some pictures have a story behind them that might be more interesting than the picture itself, who knows!

  3. #43
    Senior Member clemmb's Avatar
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    Bryan, TX

    Re: Accent on quality in PHOTOS instead of quality of EQUIPMENT?

    Quote Originally Posted by tkerr

    Before we kill this thread I would like to add one more little suggestion.

    This has to do with something I am also guilty of, but will try harder to correct that in the future.

    It has to do with posting pictures in the "Show and Tell" Forum, whether you want C&C or not, the title of that forum is Show and Tell, right?

    I don't know about you, but I would like to see more Tell with the Show. I haven't so much here, but I usually do try to post the image information along with at least where I was when I shot the picture. What the conditions were like etc.
    Some pictures have a story behind them that might be more interesting than the picture itself, who knows!

    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    I agree.

    I try to give EXIF data and a few words(tell) if I can. Sometimes I am having a super busy week and am too tired to tell but usually try.


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