From my short experience in this forum, I gather that the overwhelming accent here is placed on Canon cameras and lenses. However, many people post their photos for others to admire and maybe even comment on. I also understand that many of those who post their photos are complete 'newbies' and that they got a desire to learn ins and outs of photography.
I would like to suggest two things:
- To people posting their photos: please, be more self-critical and do not flood these threads with total garbage, where one may have problems discerning the content of the image (for example, totally unsharp and totally underexposed shots of 'something' - where that 'something' can only be deduced from the caption or the title of their post).
- To people who view and/or comment on photos posted by other people: please, be constructive in your comments. Things like 'awesome', 'cool', etc. are not really very helpful to anybody - especially not for a poster who tries to learn something from those comments. Let's make an effort and write some coherent opinion - even if it may be painful for the recipient. At least, they may learn something from that kind of feedback. 'Awesome' is counter-productive...
One last thought. We all want to own the best cameras and lenses we can afford. That is understandable and natural.However, owning the greatest camera ever made does not equal being a good or even decent photographer. On the other hand, owning and properly using even the cheapest and simplest of the most amateurish kind of equipment can result in great photography.So, what do we do with those dream cameras? Let's strive to learn how to use them, instead of just discussing their features or lack thereof.
Does that make sense? []