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Thread: Accent on quality in PHOTOS instead of quality of EQUIPMENT?

  1. #1

    Accent on quality in PHOTOS instead of quality of EQUIPMENT?

    From my short experience in this forum, I gather that the overwhelming accent here is placed on Canon cameras and lenses. However, many people post their photos for others to admire and maybe even comment on. I also understand that many of those who post their photos are complete 'newbies' and that they got a desire to learn ins and outs of photography.

    I would like to suggest two things:
    1. To people posting their photos: please, be more self-critical and do not flood these threads with total garbage, where one may have problems discerning the content of the image (for example, totally unsharp and totally underexposed shots of 'something' - where that 'something' can only be deduced from the caption or the title of their post).
    2. To people who view and/or comment on photos posted by other people: please, be constructive in your comments. Things like 'awesome', 'cool', etc. are not really very helpful to anybody - especially not for a poster who tries to learn something from those comments. Let's make an effort and write some coherent opinion - even if it may be painful for the recipient. At least, they may learn something from that kind of feedback. 'Awesome' is counter-productive...

    One last thought. We all want to own the best cameras and lenses we can afford. That is understandable and natural.However, owning the greatest camera ever made does not equal being a good or even decent photographer. On the other hand, owning and properly using even the cheapest and simplest of the most amateurish kind of equipment can result in great photography.So, what do we do with those dream cameras? Let's strive to learn how to use them, instead of just discussing their features or lack thereof.

    Does that make sense? []

  2. #2
    Senior Member clemmb's Avatar
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    Re: Accent on quality in PHOTOS instead of quality of EQUIPMENT?

    I see where you got your name

  3. #3
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    Re: Accent on quality in PHOTOS instead of quality of EQUIPMENT?

    Makes sense to me.

    I admit I am guilty of just posting pictures with a simple caption and no description or image data. I get that from another forum I use, Sorry. But, most of my pictures, with the exception of stacked / composites, have the Metadata/Exif data available. For those who don't already know you can view that image data with a Exif Viewer.

    Personally, I am always looking for constructive criticism, Photography tips and tricks, Processing tips and trick, as well as alternative methods to all of the above. IMO, There is always room for improvement!

    We cannot learn from one another if all we get is simple comments like "nice", "cool" or "good Job", when in reality we know it's not a very good picture, but we want to be kind and not hurt any feeling. Well Intentioned productive C&C shouldn't hurt anyone's feelings.

    I've posted some mediocre pictures knowing they are not the best I can do, and I only get simple comments that don't help anything. No big deal!

    Now on the other hand, if it is a nice picture and you really don't have anything constructive to say, it is always nice to acknowledge with a brief comment such as those. IMHO, that is better than ignoring the OP and his work..

    If you have a picture that is "not so good" and you would like C&C for help, post the picture stats. Some pictures have an embedded header file that includes all that data, (Exif Data) and with the right browser plug-in/add-on we can view that information. But for whatever reason not all images posted within a forum will have that. Maybe it's an attached image and it was stripped, the image host has stripped it for some reason, or the photographer themselves has stripped it. Regardless, knowing that data helps those who want to help you. The more information you can provide about the picture, the easier it will be to help.

    On Edit:
    There is a specific forum here for posting pictures you would like critiqued. Other than that we can use our best judgment and usually tell when a person is asking for ideas or suggestions.
    We also must remember that not everyone is in this to become an expert or professional. Many, like myself are just amateur hobbyists who just enjoy photography and sharing my photographic experiences.

  4. #4
    Senior Member clemmb's Avatar
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    Re: Accent on quality in PHOTOS instead of quality of EQUIPMENT?


    I know my previous response was sharp but that was the intent. Above you criticized the term awesome which I used recently. It was on some shots that were posted on show&tell. I think they are awesome. I have been on this forum for over two years and have given many a critique. I have learned a lot from the folks on this forum and hope they have learned a lot from me. I see from your experience i am sure I can learn a lot from you as well. As you state in your bio you have some strong opinion and that is for sure.

    This site is dedicated to equipment so we do like to talk about the latest and greatest, dream and show off what we have. There is a lot of experience on this forum that allows us to learn to get the most from our equipment.

    So with all that said, I do agree in part with what you have to say but sometimes my comment is just "awesome" or I may discuss the latest and greatest features. I will continue to critique when I have an opinion and post when I want critique or just post when I want to hear, "great job". We will continue to learn from each other and I look forward to your continued participation.

    Please accept my apologies for shooting back like I did.


  5. #5
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    Re: Accent on quality in PHOTOS instead of quality of EQUIPMENT?

    I think we should pay attention to whether the pic is posted to "show and tell" or to "image critique".

    If I post a pic of my daughter to "show and tell", I don't want the constructive criticism "you need to pick better looking models", even if following that advice will improve my pictures []

    As for the whole equipmentitis thing, I think we all know that talented photoraphers can take great pictures with very modest equipment. So what? Some of us like talking about equipment, pros and cons of this or that body or lens, etc, and I don't see anything wrong with that. If you aren't interested, don't read those threads.

  6. #6
    Senior Member doggiedoc's Avatar
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    Re: Accent on quality in PHOTOS instead of quality of EQUIPMENT?

    This is an awesome thread. Very cool indeed!

  7. #7
    Senior Member bob williams's Avatar
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    Re: Accent on quality in PHOTOS instead of quality of EQUIPMENT?

    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter

    I would like to suggest two things:

    To people posting their photos: please, be more self-critical and do not flood these threads with total garbage, where one may have problems discerning the content of the image (for example, totally unsharp and totally underexposed shots of 'something' - where that 'something' can only be deduced from the caption or the title of their post).

    Disagree: Many people on this forum, Inlcuding myself quit visiting sites like you suggest because many of those commenting were hateful, sarcastic, condescending to the point of offensive. I hoenstly don't want this forum to turn into one of those. I like the casual, friendly and "Supportive" nature of TDP. As far as real critique, I am usually my own worst critic,if I ask for a critic of my work, I usually get honest and helpful responses, with out the arrogance of the self proclaimed "expert critic"---Personally, I like it that way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter

    To people who view and/or comment on photos posted by other people: please, be constructive in your comments. Things like 'awesome', 'cool', etc. are not really very helpful to anybody - especially not for a poster who tries to learn something from those comments. Let's make an effort and write some coherent opinion - even if it may be painful for the recipient. At least, they may learn something from that kind of feedback. 'Awesome' is counter-productive...

    Disagree: I have had the pleasure of developing my craft in parallel with others on this forum. The sharing of photos and recieving the occasional "Cool" or "Awesome" has been an accepted practice on this forum since the beginning and has probably resulted in far more skill and artistic improvements than the "brutal critic" method--Why, because people are not afraid to post here. Since they are not afraid, they are more likely to listen to subtle criticisms and helpful hints when offered.---I personaly like it this way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter

    <div style="CLEAR: both"]

    One last thought. We all want to own the best cameras and lenses we can afford. That is understandable and natural.However, owning the greatest camera ever made does not equal being a good or even decent photographer. On the other hand, owning and properly using even the cheapest and simplest of the most amateurish kind of equipment can result in great photography.So, what do we do with those dream cameras? Let's strive to learn how to use them, instead of just discussing their features or lack thereof.
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]I personally like talking about my camera, lenses and other equipment, I also like hearing about the equipment of others, thier opinions and experiences with thier equipment.---I learn from these discussions, but most importantly, I enjoy those discussions. Most here are striving to improve thier craft and the understanding of the technology by whichthey produce it---to change this would be a huge injustice to those who have spent countless hours educating those of uswho wanted to learn beyond the owners manual.</div>
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]
    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter
    Does that make sense?
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]No, It absolutely makes no sense at all to change a forum that many enjoy and learn from.</div>
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]Respectfully,</div>
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]Bob</div>
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>


  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Re: Accent on quality in PHOTOS instead of quality of EQUIPMENT?

    Quote Originally Posted by Firestarter
    To people posting their photos: please, be more self-critical and do not flood these threads with total garbage

    One man's garbage is another man's art ...IMHO, this site is not just for the best of the best. Even in "Post your Best", it just might be that newbies best at the moment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Ruyle
    I think we should pay attention to whether the pic is posted to "show and tell" or to "image critique".
    Maybe the OP wasn't aware that there are show &amp; tell threads where IMO it is showing respect to acknowledge the photos you like with at least a "nice shot" or "awesome". If you truly like them, I don't see anything wrong with sayings so. Maybe the poster just wants to show some shots from a new lens he just bought and saying, "congrats" or "nice!"is a very appropriate comment.

    Also, beinga newbie stillmyself compared to others that have been doing this for years, I don't feel comfortable doing a real lot of critiquing as of yet but still like to partake in many of the threads and just sharing my honest opinions when I have one on a photo or subject ...even if it is only a word or two.


  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Re: Accent on quality in PHOTOS instead of quality of EQUIPMENT?

    Quote Originally Posted by doggiedoc
    This is an awesome thread. Very cool indeed!

    I find your refusal to provide constructive criticism of this thread disturbing []

  10. #10
    Senior Member doggiedoc's Avatar
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    Re: Accent on quality in PHOTOS instead of quality of EQUIPMENT?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jon Ruyle
    I find your refusal to provide constructive criticism of this thread disturbing [img]/emoticons/emotion-5.gif[/img]

    My skills lean toward sarcasm as apposed to criticism. []

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