Hi all. Been doing a hugh amont of motorcycle racing pics this year and they are pretty stunning even if i say so myself. Helps being an ex biker, i know what to look for. Anyway i have a single problem.

I use a Canon 7D and a combination of lens's. Canon 500f4 IS L, Canon 300 f2.8 IS L (MY FAV) Canon 70-200f2.8 IS L. When i go for the easy shots, i.e very fast shutter speeds big apetures the pics are great, no problems pin sharp. If i go front or 3 quarter , back or side, all pin sharp. But, some pictures need a slow shutter speed dependant on bike size/speed and effect. Now, if i use a slower speed like 160th sec side on all is ok. Front on is the same but, if i try a 3/4 shot thats front of the bike, rider and tail end the middle and back may be ok, the front not sharp or visa versa. Its rarly a fully sharp shot. This only happens on a 3/4 shot, never front or back on or side on and never at high shutter speeds only slow ones. Apeture size makes no differance. Seems like a depth of field problem thats effected by shutter speed.


id post some pics but i dont know how.