Hi All -

A while back I posted a photo on flickr (and here) of myself and called it "Too old to hire, too young to retire". Well, it turns out that CNN Money wants to do an article on the subject and give the article the same name ...and guess who they might interview for the article! I got an email from them today asking for my phone number, along with a number of others so I'm not 100% sure I will be but I think there is a high possibility considering the title similarity.

Anyway, should I ask if they want to buy the photo for the article or just give it to them if they want to use it? If so, for how much? Even with the fiscal cliff extension my unemployment comp is due to run out in a couple weeks. Since the overall percent of unemployed people is down in Wisconsin, the federal gov't decided we are not entitled to the extension. So, if I can make a $ off the photo, it would be a godsend!
