So help me avoid complete overload and exhaustion. I know alot depends on weather
2 years ago we did Idaho Saw Tooth Mountains and got chased out by the forest fires. (I posted a portrait of her that everyone seemed to like from the trip)

Transit Options:
26 to 31(Pine Creek) to Teton Pass Highway
26 all the way around (Snake River pass) – a little longer

Several of these are actually more Grand Teton oriented

Sunrise/Sunset/Star scape/Storm locations:

Teton Pass into Jackson Hole
Old Faithful (sort of a requirement) (really just sunrise/sunset I have a nice set of midday shots)
Signal Mountain - Grand Tetons
Lake Jenny – Grand Tetons
Teton Park Rd & 89 – Oxbow Bend Reflection
Schwabacher's Landing - Grand Tetons

General Landscapes:
Moose Falls - YS
Upper Yellowstone River Falls - YS
Various Geysers – Geyser basin - YS
44°13'9.87"N x 110°39'15.51"W – Lewis Canyon and various Water Falls - YS
Lewis Falls – Faces N.E. i.e. A.M. shot - YS
Crazy Creek Cascade - YS (North Entrance)

I am going to map this out - already noticed just to drive some of the loops/distances are several hours so I know there will need to be a focus to the geographical dispersion.