I know I haven't posted here in awhile but I came across something tonight that I would really like input on and others may be interested in seeing this if they are thinking of getting the OnOne Perfect Suite 8 that is being released in a week or so. I have the previous version and have always liked their product so I have pre-ordered the newer version but now I'm not so sure I made a wise choice.

I just downloaded the Beta version of OneOne Perfect Suite 8 and this is a comparison of a photo straight out of camera shown in their browser on the left and Canon's ZoomBrowser on the right.

Photo was taken with the 6d at ISO 25600. The camera is fantastic for high ISO but look how much noise the OnOne browser shows compared to ZoomBrowser. Also, in ACR (not shown), the photo shows no noise at all and better contrast and color than in ZoomBrowser. A larger photo can be seen on flickr.

Thank you for viewing and commenting!


OnOne vs ZoomBrowser by Denise Trocio ( www.dtrociophotography.com), on Flickr