Hello all!

Please may I turn with this question to this forum if here would be maybe someone with the valued experiences on this Forum who can give me some nice advice about choosing either,

the Arca Swiss Monoball Ball and Socket P0 or

Acratech GV2 Gimbal-head-type, or

the new Arca Swiss Monoball Z1, that is lighter than the older or first verison,

to be used with at least a full frame DSLR

Canon EOS 5DMK2 equipped with the lens Canon EF 300mm f/2.8L IS USM with either EF Extender 1.4X III or EF Extender 2X III and later on - Lord willing - I wish to also add the new Canon EF 600mm f/4L IS USM II (unsure of the EF 500mm f/4L IS USM II would do with full frame as well as the now much lighter new EF600mm II

The tripod that I already have is a:

Gitzo GT3541 XLS,
but now at the present time equipped with the old first version I and therefore quite too heavy Arca Swiss Monoball B1 with quick-set-release that I wish switch over to be used together with the Acra Swiss Mono Ball Socket P0 - IF I purchase in that and not in the Acratech GV2?
I think that Wimberley Gimbal Head II, is far too heavy for my taste to carry around with the added other photographic equipement! Also I mainly walk and transporting all with my Mountain Bike along trails and roads!

I wish to have a light outdoor-tripod-head-setup to be able to take outdoors for long all-day-walks - I am not Superman!

So dear skilled Photographers here - I would very much appreciate your experiences in this field of choosing right out-door-equipement!

Thanks in advance and may you all have a wonderful autumn season with great occasions for photographing!

Wishing you all the very best!
