hey, friends.. i discovered these forums about a week ago. i'm a big fan of bryan's site, so i was quite pleased to see an area to converse with people that i can learn from.

i've been shooting for about two years now-- beginning in feb. '07 with a rebel xti and absolutely no knowledge of anything other than how to set the camera to "auto" and squeeze the shutter release. in that time, i've absorbed all knowledge that i can. i've read countless books, magazines, websites, and have tried exceedingly hard to put together a basic portfolio that i'm proud of (presented in the form of a smugmug website).

i very much wish to build a career out of this, so i would deeply, deeply appreciate it if you, the pros, would give me some feedback-- tell me what you like, what you dislike, strengths i should capitalize on, and weaknesses i should improve on.


thank you very much for your time