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Thread: Couple of pics from Rolex 24 Weekend

  1. #1

    Couple of pics from Rolex 24 Weekend

    These are a couple shots taken from the Continental Tire Challenge race Friday before the Rolex 24. They were taken with the Rebel XS & EF100-400 before the XS kicked the bucket. [:@]

    Click for full resolution.

    400mm, 1/125, f/22

    220mm, 1/160, f/22

    This is probably my favorite shot from Friday, mostly because I want me an S4 []

    210mm, 1/160, f/20

    Pics from the 24 shot with T1 I bought on Saturday morning are still uploading, post some of those later.

  2. #2
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Dec 2008
    Savannah, GA

    Re: Couple of pics from Rolex 24 Weekend

    I don't are we supposed to see their watches from this distance??

    (I like the angle of the first shot best)

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Couple of pics from Rolex 24 Weekend

    Great pics! I like the 3rd the best, always sad to hear about a camera kicking the bucket though []

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Couple of pics from Rolex 24 Weekend

    Quote Originally Posted by mattsartin
    I like the 3rd the best, always sad to hear about a camera kicking the bucket though [img]/emoticons/emotion-6.gif[/img]

    agreed [H]

    nice captures BTW


  5. #5

    Re: Couple of pics from Rolex 24 Weekend

    So in addition to the 100-400 I rented, I also rented the Canon 10-22. I gotta say this is most definitely gonna be my next lens purchase. I had a great time taking pictures from different angles and such.

    12mm @ f/3.5

    So then the actual race was set to start and the sky's opened up:

    I found it incredibly difficult to get shots that would even classify as decent in the rain and cold.

    Once the rain went away the temperature plummeted. (well at least for us wimpy Floridian's). It was high 40's low 50's and the wind was blasting. The IS in the 100-400 seemed to work pretty good, but it wasn't enough to overcome my shivering and I lost a lot of shots to camera shake. This is one of the few that came out good on the second day.

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