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Thread: POLL: Is there an opportunity here?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    San Francisco, CA

    POLL: Is there an opportunity here?

    Hey everyone!

    I am looking for some advice as I am somewhat new to the business-side of photography. Here in Montpellier, France, there is a giant Facebook meeting where people get together and drink. Very weird..... but the page has about 14,000 people that say they're attending. The mayor doesn't even want them to be here, but it's been approved and IS happening. Now, my curiosity will force me to check it out - though not for the drinking since I'm not a big drinker.

    Is there an opportunity here? What I mean is... if I go and take photos and pass out my business card, will people even care? First of all, these are photos that they can easily take themselves with their pocket-cameras. Plus, they'll be drunk (probably) so maybe they won't care or lose my card or whatnot. Once they went to my website, I'd either allow them to order cheap prints or a very cheap digital download off the site, or just make them free but with my website name in the corner of the photo (just to get my name out).

    So, my question is this: Should I charge for the photos, give them out with my website name on them, or just forget it and not even do it? Or is there an alternative I'm not thinking of?

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

    - Jordan Murphy

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: POLL: Is there an opportunity here?


    I work freelance in TV in Canada. I'm only 20 still a greenhorn in the industry compared to most guys but I take every opportunity that presents itself. While not all opportunities will get you money out of it, every opportunity provides itself for meeting people and making contacts. I guarantee you that out of everyone there you'll get a handful of calls.
    Good Hunting!


  3. #3
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: POLL: Is there an opportunity here?

    Doesn't sound like a direct money-making opportunity, but I agree that getting your name out there is a good idea. My advice would be to carefully select which images you make available - publishing photos that people could "easily take themselves with their pocket-cameras" will not help your reputation.

  4. #4

    Re: POLL: Is there an opportunity here?

    Jordan, hi!

    I hope, your photo equipment and your physical shape are up to the task.

    If they are, then be aware of the drunk guys who, being married, will come with their girlfriends ;-) . Some of them might be not so happy later to see their shots on the Web.

    Good luck.


  5. #5

    Re: POLL: Is there an opportunity here?

    hmmm let me think expensive camera gear, drunk crowds, beer, hmmm that would be a NO

  6. #6
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Re: POLL: Is there an opportunity here?

    Quote Originally Posted by peterborough_photography

    hmmm let me think expensive camera gear, drunk crowds, beer, hmmm that would be a NO
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    Very good point.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Re: POLL: Is there an opportunity here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan
    I am looking for some advice as I am somewhat new to the business-side of photography.

    I am trying to think more business oriented as well, it's hard!

    I don't think a drunken crowd will care too much about photos. I suggest looking for actual clients. And spending $23.09 on the book, "Best Business Practices for Photographers 2nd Edition". It's written by Josh Harrington and it is wonderful! So amazingly helpful! While not the most exciting read, it provides excellent knowledge and advice on running your business.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Re: POLL: Is there an opportunity here?

    Quote Originally Posted by peterborough_photography

    hmmm let me think expensive camera gear, drunk crowds, beer, hmmm that would be a NO


  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Re: POLL: Is there an opportunity here?

    Quote Originally Posted by bburns223

    Quote Originally Posted by peterborough_photography

    hmmm let me think expensive camera gear, drunk crowds, beer, hmmm that would be a NO


    See above for my sentiments, if anything it could be a good opportunity to pass out business cards, but I doubt much else would be fruitful.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    The Netherlands

    Re: POLL: Is there an opportunity here?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Setters

    Quote Originally Posted by peterborough_photography

    hmmm let me think expensive camera gear, drunk crowds, beer, hmmm that would be a NO
    <div style="CLEAR:both;"]</div>

    Very good point.

    Wussies [:P] There will be a lot of missed opportunities if you think that way. Of course it is never wrong to be carefull, but you could be too carefull. The most impressive photos are often those where a little risk was taken.

    But to get back on the point. I voted option 2, but I honestly don't know what the event is exactly. My guess is that you could get a few good opportunities, but are they worth something? Probably a lot of them won't even watch for your photos and the other part may download it, but will never look back on your site. I really doubt it that they would pay for party-photos, so that's definitely a no to me.

    To be honest, if you're going to do it, do it for your own pleasure. I really doubt it that your business will profit from it. Don't go there expecting too much from it. A few will remember your name, but if it is worth it...

    But if you don't have anything better to do that time...I would go...[:P]


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