I have the HiTech filters and I like them. I have a 3 stop hard and a 3 stop soft grad. I have only used them a couple times, but they seemed to work out great and I would recommend them. I hand hold my filters or use a rubber band since I use a wide angle and the holder I have vignettes when I attempt to use it on anything UWA. I purchased the Cokin holder for the filters and they fit fine. Here are the only photos I have on my new computer using the 3 stop hard gradfilter. They were all taken within 20 mins of each other. I have been a bit more into HDR recently. I used the soft grad on cornfields and rolling hills and liked them a whole bunch. If I was more into landscapes I probably would have purchased the singh ray brand from the start, but I am happy with what I have for the amount of shooting I do.